Debt Advice

 Our organisation acknowledges that you may have a debt problem. You may be receiving from bailiffs letters giving you dead lines to pay the debt or that they will be coming to your house or business to confiscate your belongings. This may cause you stress and depression. We are here to help and give you free advice in how you will deal with your debt.

 It is not a criminal offense to borrow money and not be able to pay it back on time. Bailiffs will come to you as a last resort. Before you are taken to court, please call us and we will provide you a debt counselor who may speak your own native language to advice you in how to overcome your debt situation and assist you to put in place a debt repayment plan. Be aware that your debt can not be solved in a very short period depending on your income.

To name a few you can be in debt if you do not pay your:
         electricity, gas and water bills
         telephone and mobiles bills
         council tax
         bank overdrafts
         credit cared payments

 You can also be in debt if you receive overpayments such as:
         Housing benefit
         Council tax benefit
         Child Tax Credit
         Child Benefit
         Working tax credit

 Even if you are not in debt we can give you advice on how you can live by your means and have a good budgeting plan.

 Our debt advice is impartial and free. We respect confidentiality and the information you give us will be protected and will be given lawfully out.

 You can drop in at our centre mentioned below or you can call for an appointment for your debt advice:
Afro-British Support Services  "IMPACT"
Unit 6 Friends’ Institute, 220 Moseley Road, Birmingham, B12 ODG
Tel.: 0121 773 946, 0121 773 5325, Fax: 0121 772 7463,  Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 For more information in how to deal your debt or to get online debt and money advice click the following links:



©2016 Afro-British Support Services